History of Computer
- İst Tasarım
- July 25, 2019
Computers have become an indispensable part of our lives today. While the first computer was only able to make simple equations, today it is a superior technology with a more complex structure used in Communication, Research and Engineering, Education, Health, Aviation, Entertainment and many other fields. . So how did technology progress so quickly that we have come to these days. For this reason, we wanted to talk about the invention of the first computer and the historical development of computers after the invention of the computer.
Start of Computers
Although the first computer is generally accepted as an abacus, Blaise Pascal is also the first calculator invented to help his father, an accountant. In the world of science, it is thought to be far from the first computer and is considered to be the ancestor of the first computer.
The first computer was based on the difference machine. The first machine that forms the basis of the computer invented by the scientist Babbage. Logical processing unit, data storage unit, input output units was a machine planned to be used. This machine would operate automatically using steam power and would have more functions than other calculators. The difference machine with these features was like a simple computer, as it was a powerful calculator with sides that resemble one-to-one computer functions.
Introduction to Modern Computer Architecture
The beginning of modern computer architecture, of course, starts with the boolean algebra system, which the mathematician George Boole invented and named after himself. This system is the main structure of today's computer industry with logic 0 and 1.
When was the First Computer Invented by?
The event that led to the formation of the computer industry was the use of the device Mark-1 in the US census in 1890. The device was able to pierce cards, process information, read and reuse cards. With the help of this device, the selection results were reduced to a quarter of the counting process.
The Mark 1 was a semi-automatic machine, a huge mechanical machine that needed human control. In addition, the Mark-1 was the first machine to process information without human intervention , even though it was not an electronic device . The Mark-1 was capable of 5 operations per second. It was 18 m long and 2.5 m high.
The American statistician Herman Hollerith, owner of the Mark 1 device, continued to manufacture by establishing a company called Tabulating Machine Company, which later merged with another company to become IBM. Hence we can answer the first computer when it was invented by Herman Hollerith in 1890.
First Memory Program Computer
EDSAC is considered as the first memory computer. He made his first calculation in 1949 and was the first computer to run a visual computer game. Meanwhile, the first visual game was called Baby. (Baby)
First Programmable Computer
The UNIVAC 1101 or ERA 1101, which was produced for the United States in 1950, was the first computer to store and run programs on this computer memory.
First Desktop Computer
In 1964, the first desktop computer, Programma 101, was introduced at the New York World's Fair. Pier was designed by Giorgio Perotto and manufactured by Olivetti. Approximately 44,000 computers were sold at a price tag of $ 3,200 each. In 1968, Hewlett Packard began marketing the HP 9100A, the first desktop PC to appeal to everyone.